The Committee on Financial Markets and Investor's Protection (CFM&IP) of ICAI conducts Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management (FXTM) for the professional updation of the members and to explore the prevailing professional opportunities in the area for Forex Risk Management.
It's our pleasure to inform you that the Committee is starting new batches of Certificate Course on Foreign Exchange and Treasury Management.
Details are as follows:
Schedule of Classes:
Course Curriculum
Module 1: Treasury – An Overview
Module 2: The Mathematics and Arithmetic of Treasury Management
Module 3: Classification of Treasury Market
Module 4: Money Market Operations & Foreign Exchange (Forex) Markets
Module 5: Treasury Products& Regulatory Provisions
Module 6: Futures, Options, Forward & swaps
Module 7: The Treasury Accounting
Module 8: Internal Audit
Module 9: Taxation of Treasury Transactions and Instruments
Module 10: Risk Management & Risk Framework – Treasury and Forex
Module 11: Regulatory Environment
Module 12: Treasury - Special Entity Regulations
The Secretary,
Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management
Committee on Financial Markets and Investors' Protection
ICAI Bhawan, Administrative Block, 8th Floor, A-29, Sector 62,
NOIDA – 201309
For more information and updates and for making online payment please visit: and
Event from : 10 January 2015
Event to : 15 March 2015
Events Venue : Chennai & Kolkata
Submitted By : Guest