Frequently Asked Questions
The Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) database is an electronic database that allows:
- Users to create and electronically file RETT declarations;
- Registries to process RETT declarations;
- MRS to approve RETT declarations; and
- Municipalities to view and print RETT declarations and to update data for the annual turn around document.
Is there a fee to use the RETT database?
No. There is no fee to obtain an account or to access and use the database. All you need is Internet access.
How do I obtain an account?
- Click on Create an Account, a yellow box on the right side of the screen. This will open the Create an Account page allowing the user to enter their demographic information. Each account requires a unique email address.
- Click on the yellow Submit button. The Confirmation page provides you with your account number, the name, address and telephone number of the account holder.
- Click on the yellow Continue to Log In button then log into your account by entering your Account Number and Password and clicking on the yellow Log In box.
How to Create a Real Estate Tax declaration?
- You must be logged into your account to create a declaration.
- Click on the yellow Create a New RETTD button.
- All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) must be completed.
- Click on one of the following yellow buttons on bottom page:
- Select Save Draft if you wish to save the data entered and return to it as a later time;
- Select Cancel if you wish to not save what you have entered;
- Select Continue if you wish to move forward with completing the declaration
Can I search for and view for declarations that I have submitted?
Yes in the Search box
- You may search for declarations you prepared by the DLN number
- You may search for declarations you prepared by a particular county or all counties
- You may search for declarations you prepared by municipality
- You may search for declarations you prepared by street address
- You may search for declarations you prepared by last updated date
- You may search for declarations you prepared by a number of different status' provided on a drop down menu
- When you have identified the declaration you wish to view, click on the DLN number to view the data and you may then select the yellow Generate a PDF button to view the data in return form.
What happens to the declaration after I process it?
- The declaration moves to the Registry queue in the county where the property is located.
- The Registrar will review the declaration when the deed is received for recording.
- After review, the Registrar will either accept the declaration or reject the declaration back to the preparer.
- Electronically filed declarations will be available to municipalities to view and print via the database in 3-5 days from date of filing with the registry.
How do I pay the transfer tax?
- Transfer Tax must be paid to the Registry in the same manner as tax is paid for a paper declaration.
- You will receive an email informing you when a declaration is rejected by the Registry.
- You will also see the declaration in your account queue. Your will have the option to Resubmit the declaration with the required information or Delete it. If you Delete the document, the registry will not be able to record the deed.
Questions about this Service? Call: (207) 624-5606 or Email: