The NEMO Program has a curriculum with 23 lessons in marine science, biology, chemistry, geology, physics, technology, and marine policy that can be used to support a course or club or prepare a team for the National Ocean Sciences Bowl.
Each lesson contains a PowerPoint presentation and a Teacher's Guide PDF file and is aligned with national science teaching standards as well as the Ocean Literacy Principles. In some cases, lessons contain other supplementary files that are referred to in the Teacher's Guide. Please note that there is a stand-alone Glossary file containing definitions of bold terms throughout the Teacher's Guides. All PDFs can be read with Adobe Acrobat or Preview (Mac OS). Some of the PowerPoint presentations have embedded video files. Your computer must have QuickTime or Windows Media Player to play these videos. If the videos do not start automatically when clicked in the slide show presentation, try opening the video files directly from the lesson folder. To request a hard copy of the curriculum, please contact